Technology and Your Health
While our cellphones have given us the blessing of being able to communicate with our loved ones instantaneously, discovering information effortlessly, and connecting with colleagues in a second, we need to remember that there are also negatives to cell phone use.
For example, some issues we are seeing are text neck, eye strain, elbow pain, carpal tunnel, and disruptive thoughts. However, there are many ways that we can combat these issues! To start, visiting your Chiropractor can help make a game plan with you about corrective posture strategies as well as regular adjustments and posture relief exercises.
Here are some of Dr. Hebdon’s top tips for cell phone use.
Some great tips for texting:
1. Make note of your posture – keep your ears directly over your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades back, and look straight forward instead of down. Holding your phone at eye level means less bending.
2. Limit your phone use before bed -- the blue light from your phone disrupts your circadian rhythms, disrupts sleep, and suppresses melatonin. If you are going to use your phone, be sure to use a filter so that it protects your eyes.
3. Avoid keeping elbow bent for extended periods and make sure that you take stretch breaks giving your elbows a chance to move!
4. Minimize thumb time, switch hands, or call instead of texting!
5. Limit usage and allow your mind to be bored. Developing a routine for checking emails and social media is better than using the phone constantly. Have regular breaks, have no phone zones (like in the bedroom, and during dinner).
Remember that your Chiropractor has some great resources for you at their office, like stretches that can combat texting neck. If you have any further questions, be sure to call our office at (615) 375 -7100 and Dr. Hebdon can give you some further guidance.
Al-Hadidi F, Bsisu I, AlRyalat SA, et al. Association between mobile phone use and neck pain in university students: A cross-sectional study using numeric rating scale for evaluation of neck pain. PLoS One. 2019;14(5):e0217231. Published 2019 May 20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217231,
Emitting Products/Radiation National Safety Council. Cell phones are involved in an estimated 27 percent of all car crashes, says National Safety Council. June 17, 2015. Accessed from:

Nadine Hebdon
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