Have you ever wondered what the word chiropractic actually means?  The word 'chiropractic' comes from the Greek words cheir which means hand and prakatos which means done, in other words, to be done by hand.  If you have ever been to a chiropractors office you would agree that the procedures and adjustments are indeed done by hand.  Each time you visit the chiropractor you will experience a very hands on approach to care, with tailored adjustments to each patient and visit.

This can be a powerful experience for most patients.  In fact in 1895 the first credited chiropractic adjustment in the United States was performed by Daniel David Palmer in Davenport, Iowa.  This Chiropractor pioneered the chiropractic adjustment and developed and refined manual adjusting techniques.  Now we use the adjustment to relieve pain and improve function, just like in 1895. In the past, adjusting was the focus of a patients visit. Now, the variety of practice styles varies, but modern chiropractors still use the adjustment as the centerpiece of chiropractic care, and many chiropractors have developed practices that feature different therapies and modalities to adress the needs of thier patients.

Chiropractic continues to be a holistic practice of health care that excludes drugs or surgery, with a focus on hands on care.


Nadine Hebdon

Nadine Hebdon

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