It may feel like back pain is haunting your daily life. In fact, back pain can be persistent and misunderstood.  Just like the scary spooky stories that circulate every Halloween, myths about spine pain can be misleading  to those that are experiencing discomfort.  To combat this, I wanted to give you some common myths that we hear in our office surrounding back pain.

Myth: "You only get back pain if you are an Older adult."

Fact: Back pain can haunt anyone at any age.  In fact our office has seen young athletes, middle aged desk workers, or even newborns that are experiencing pain.  Chiropractic care can keep pain at bay, no matter what your age.

Myth: "Sitting is better for my back pain."

Fact: Actually sitting for a long time is just as treacherous as a lurking ghost.  This leads to muscle imbalances and then a furthering of pain.  To keep your spine healthy it is best to move on a regular basis, and consider adding ergonomic adjustments to your workplace to support your spine.

Myth: "If my back hurts, I must be seriously injured and I will never get better."

Fact: Back pain doesn't always indicate a severe problem.  Sometimes you can be experiencing back pain due to muscle strain or poor posture.  But it's always important to consult a professional to understand the root cause, and determine the appropriate treatment.

Don't let back pain myths haunt you this Halloween.  I encourage you to take proactive steps to care for your spine.  Reach out to your local chiropractor, if you don't have a chiropractor you can reach out to our office at Dickson, TN.  Giving your back proper attention will give a ghost of a chance for good spine health! 

Happy Halloween!

Nadine Hebdon

Nadine Hebdon

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