Did you know that the areas of the spine are not only named for their region but also named for their curvature? In fact, each part of our spine be it the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar, is designed to have this curve to help our body move correctly.
In the last blog we learned about the importance of the spine, and in the blog before that we learned about the different regions of the spine. To recap, I want to remind you about the three major areas of the spine. The first area is the neck or the cervical spine. This is also at the top of the spine. The next area is the thoracic spine or the mid back. Lastly is the lumbar spine or the lower back.
The Cervical Spine Curve
In the cervical spine we see our neck move forward or what we doctors call "posterior concavity". This is also called lordosis. When we do not have this banana shaped curve in our neck, our neck appears straight. This is also called a military spine when we have straightened out our neck. This is most seen from a poor posture or position where we are leaning forward.
The Thoracic Spine Curve
In the thoracic spine or mid back, we see the spine moves backward or with an anterior concavity. This is also called a kyphosis. When the kyphosis becomes exaggerated, we call this a hyper-kyphosis, and this is more commonly referred to as a hunchback. We see this more often in elderly patients.
The Lumbar Spine Curve
In the lumbar spine, just like in the cervical spine, our low back moves forward or with a posterior concavity. This is once again called lordosis. When this curve also becomes exaggerated, we call this a swayback or a hyper-lordosis. When this happens, it appears that our buttocks pops out.
The Importance of the Curves
Don't worry I will not quiz you on any of the previous information. I just wanted to make that you aware of the different areas and the dynamics of the spine. I also wanted you to understand that movements of the spine are so comples that when it is out of alignment it can cause a mirade of conditions.
Do you want to have your spine assessed by a professional? Reach out to our office in Dickson, Tennessee to see if your spine is aligned.
-Thank you Dr. Hebdon

Nadine Hebdon
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